Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9335606:

White Slave 14 3, 5:44am

@ErenTR: You think that the women prefer to be sold into sexual slavery? That's pretty much never the case, even when local standards of living are quite poor. It's far more frequently the choice of the men, family, or a scammer that offers promises of a steady job in a different country.

Sejdkonen was correct, mind you. The EU DOES pay Turkey to fight human trafficking. Here's a bit of copy-pasta:

“A National Action Plan on Combating THB” prepared by the National Task Force was approved by the Office of Prime Minister in 2003. The National Task Force on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings comprises representatives from several Ministries, Institutions, International Organizations and NGO’s. The Action Plan has been implemented. The Second National Action Plan has been prepared within the context of “The Project of Strengthening Institutions in the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings”. This project was executed by the Ministry of Interior since January 2006, under the context of EU-Turkey Financial Assistance of 2003 Program.

EU Financial assistance to Turkey for assistance in fighting human trafficking actually dates back to 2005 and is still ongoing.