Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9401470:

The End of America 29 8, 3:27am

KRyptic, do you live in Germany? How is it that you can see the details of how our political system so much better than 90% or more of our population? That's a sad commentary on us.

That is exactly it. The same people that tried to limit the system in every way, shape, and form, and tried to hamstring it in every way they could, are blaming the system for failures directly caused by their own action. Many of the examples of how "horrible" the ACA is are ones that would be fixed by making it closer to a single payer system, but they are used as examples of why "socialized medicine" is a bad thing. Those people are trying to have their cake and eat it to, and unfortunately a large percentage of the public is ignorant enough that it is working. But higher level thinking is sacrificed in a sound-bite political reality...