Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9498441:


Brexit to the right 30 6, 8:42pm


Have you read the Quran? I have. What do you know about Islam, its beliefs and its history? I used to be like you and defended Islam, claiming that "oh, the only reason Muslims do bad things is American/European imperialism" and all that BS. At the time, I was ignorant, I thought that all religions were roughly equivalent, because I didn't consider my religion (catholicism) seriously, I assumed everyone was the same and that religion was just an excuse. That's true of some, but I know now that my beliefs were naive and ignorant. True believers believe.

After reading the Quran and informing myself on Islam, I have to draw a simple conclusion: Islam, as a set of doctrines, is totalitarian, anti-humanist, violent and justifies abhorrent behavior. There is nothing of any moral value in the Quran. This is a book that Islam claims comes directly from God, with no filter, and yet, twice the Quran allows men to rape their slaves (the women their right hands possess), it says that women are inferior to men and commands men to beat their disobedient wives. It is a book that spews hatred on non-believers almost every other page, reminding constantly that non-believers are hated and cursed to hell by God, which is what they deserve for not being Muslim. The Quran outright commands believers not to marry non-believers, and even to take no "friend nor protector" among them. It also promises heaven for those who do violence in the name of Allah, and commands believers to kill those who oppose Islam "wherever you find them", until they surrender. The Quran treats human beings as tools in the service of Allah, and doesn't recognize any intrinsic value to them.

It's no wonder then that Islam's history is an almost unbroken series of offensive religious wars, starting with Muhammad himself (claimed to be the perfect man) and continuing for nearly 1400 years until the present.

I hate Islam for very rational reasons, but I do not hate Muslims. Muslims are human beings, they vary a lot and most of them just want to live good lives, have friends and family and live in peace. I don't hate them... but I pity them, because they're repressed by a religion that is totalitarian in scope, that seeks to govern every aspect of their lives and that prevents the social development of societies that are governed by its rules.

If you think my judgment unfair, then inform yourself, and then debate me on the value of my arguments and my claims.