Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Brexit to the right

Brexit to the right

Nobody knows how to make history like England.

North Ireland Brexit Scotland Norway England Europe Denmark Sweden
28th June 2016
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8 years ago #9497045        

Please do one about how they then lost to Iceland in the EURO 2016 :)

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8 years ago #9497124        

Let it be a lesson for democracy: A vote is a vote. It has consequences. Don't vote for someone just because he said something funny on TV. You never know which part of his program he really will make comme true.

And don't redo the referendum until you get the result you like. It just kill the principe of democracy where the mind of everyone is taken into account.

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8 years ago #9497718        

Saying that chaos will entail is just outright bollocks and a lie. Unfortunately for you Humon you do not seem to understand how the EU is operating and how the Euro is fucking up everything. The EU is not democratic. It is directly anti-democratic.

There WILL be uncertainty, yes. There will be economical uncertainty, yes. If that is your definition of chaos, I wonder what you would define it as if a country went into a state of anarchy.

This is what happens when you blindly follow what the media and politicians say. Not to mention bankers. Bankers ALWAYS have an agenda: Money. If you can't figure that one out, then you are not even listening to the other side of the argument.

But, like in 1972 and 1994 when Norway were thinking of joining the EU, we voted no. Both times. Both times the EU used moronic scare and fearmongering saying that hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost, economical turmoil and lots of people would become homeless. Well. They were wrong. On both occasions. And so far, they have for the most part been wrong on a whole plethora of issues.

I am sorry, but this is bullshit. I cannot support a state that is turning anti-democratic and using fascist tactics to silence the opposition.

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8 years ago #9497495        

Kind of guessed Humon would be on the Anti-Leave side.

I'm disappointed as Humon manages to mostly be objective and make a comic which both sides of an issue can laugh at. Things that she could have done to do so would be to include Wales being on England's side here as they voted for leave as well. And we in Norway aren't panicking. We're a bit worried, a bit scared, but we aren't panicking. Actually what is happening is that some in Norway are now pressing for a discussing to leave the EEA and join a trade-deal like Switzerland has now. Various people have proposed this. Our politicians are against Brexit and most of the media, but I find that most of us Norwegians are for Brexit or we're split on it. And though Norway might be bit against Brexit, all the other EFTA-nations are saying this brings oppurtunity.

Other things would be to include countries that would like to follow Britain's example, like the French who are discussing an exit, the Dutch who are discussing and exit, the Czech republic who are discussing an exit and even Belgium which is discussing an exit. Or that a certain non-European country *cough**cough*Turkey*cough**cough* is about to join and wants to flood Europe with their.... "workers".

And of course, you should have Russia in the background smugging and folding his hands saying "Goood, gooood". Have Scotland and Ireland cry over the result demanding a revote, threatening to leave Britain, while Wales and England celebrate, high fiveing and with the BBC which speculating that this will trigger the end of the world.

And I'm surprised, and disappointed, that Switzerland is not in this comic. They're also outside the EU. Iceland who is also outside the EU, would also be supportive as you have the Icelandic president praising Brexit and saying it's good for Norway. ( That would fit well into this, having Iceland trying to calm down a very nervous and uncertain Norway

All this would make for a better comic which both sides of the debate could laugh at and enjoy.

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8 years ago #9586059        

How Badly Can You Ruin YOUR Country?
England: Beat THIS! *Brexits*
USA: Hold my fuckin beer

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8 years ago #9497302        

-We must arrange a new referendum until we get a result I agree with!
-Doesn't that defeat the idea of democracy?
-What?! NO!
-Think it sorta does.
-NO! Democracy is about people thinking the way I tell them to think!
-Uh, that sounds like fascism---
-IT'S NOT!! Don't disagree with me, you fascist!

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8 years ago #9501136        

Oui out
Nether Again
Angaleave Merkel

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8 years ago #9497687        

This is a time for celebration. England having the guts to stand up to the fourth Reich is an inspiration to all of us to do the same. Down with the EU

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8 years ago #9554529        

Sadly, it seems America's reaction to Brexit was "you think that's big? Hold my beer and watch this!"

8 years ago #9498095        

Let get some things straight:
- Everything said in the comic is true (no this is not up for debate)
- a large part of the pro-brexit vote was based on racism, misinformation, and fascist like nationalism
- The EU is not and never was oppressing you, nor is it undemocratic
- 53% of a vote is not a large enough majority to justify a decision like this ESPECIALLY when when Scotland voted "no" universally and many people are coming out stating they did not understand the true meaning of the vote. That is not true Democracy, that is a technically of votes base misinformation and English bias.
- There needs to be a another vote, one where all three kingdoms of the UK being on board with the idea and there is at least a 60% majority pro-Brexit for it to past. The and only then can you claim is the democratic will of British people, in till the you call of democratic are completely hollow.

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