Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Bike it off

Bike it off

I've often seen people on the internet make fun of fat people on bikes and wondered "What's so funny about that? How does people who think that's funny get around?"

Then I leaned that The Netherlands and Denmark are the "weird" ones, because here everybody casually ride bikes all the time, while most other places it's considered something you do if you can't afford a car or if you're a health freak.

So yeah, if you want to see lots of fat people on bikes, just visit The Netherlands or Denmark. You'll be pretty desensitized to it after a few days.

Denmark Netherlands America
21st June 2016
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8 years ago #9494982        

Feel like everyone is paying attention to the wrong thing. Can someone elaborate on this bacon cheese wheel? It sounds like heaven!

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8 years ago #9494812        

As a dane coming from a biking family, and now living in southern California, it's actually scary to be on your bike over here. And that's even with the city I am in being a "bike friendly" city. Having the "bike lane" be essentially the caution area for cars and having them use it as an extra lane when turning right makes me scared some times to bike around here. And I also hate the fact that cars don't understand that it is the bloody bike lane and honk at you when you are waiting to go straight and it is a red light. And if that isn't enough the police is often against us, on many occasions stopping up PROFESSIONAL bike groups that are riding according to the law, simply because they fill up the entire bike lane and the officer doesn't understand the laws... And if you can't go fast on your bike, or be good at dodging cars, it is a legitimate threat to your health
Rant over
In short I am not surprised that people over here don't bike, it is basically a counter culture and you are really only safe on bike routes where cars are 100% not allowed.

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8 years ago #9496118        

Wheres my brexit comic ಠ_ಠ

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8 years ago #9495791        

Can we have a Brexit comic?

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8 years ago #9534549        

Am i the only one who initially thought that the bike riders were seals? Or am i going insane?

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8 years ago #9497245        

I see people saying "They ride bikes all the time because they cannot afford a car!"
Meanwhile I ride a bike all the time because after the third time failing my driver's exam I was like "Fuck it! I hate cars anyway!"
Not sure if I should be embarrassed...

Also, Netherlands and Denmark are just ideal cycle countries because... Flat B)

8 years ago #9496872        

it's impossible to bike in Norway because there's a small mountain every 5 feet

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8 years ago #9495870        

But if they ride bikes all the time, how do they stay fat?

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8 years ago #9495493        

I don't get the logic that says bikers are fit... I mean, that consumes less energy than traveling by foot right? Seeing fat people on bikes isn't all that uncommon in the bigger cities where bicycle traffic in general is more common. The "health freaks" are more likely to jog.

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8 years ago #9494948        

Also, in the Netherlands (and AFAIAA in Denmark, too) we ride proper, sit-upright-so-you-can-see-what-the-rest-of-traffic-is-doing-around-you, town bikes, not those bend-over-the-handlebars-look-at-the-tarmac-pay-no-attention all terrain bikes the British and USAnians are so inexplicably fond of. Those are good for sports cycling or exercise up a mountain, not for commuting or normal touring. (And then they wonder why we don't wear helmets. Well, because we don't ride suicide bikes, that's why.)

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