Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9498798:


Brexit to the right 1 7, 9:31am

The UK does not have oil in the same way that a barely populated country like Norway that also has a shitload of oil does lol. Do you not get the math behind that?

"Scotland did not vote to stay in the UK to be part of the EU. However, it did agree it was part of one nation. It can not, therefore, argue that it is a separate nation under this poll. For better, for worse - they agreed to be together."

Scotland can however vote on secession again? Duh? That's obviously the implied route, not them just randomly deciding to leave right now.

"Spain and France have vetoed any separtist negotiations."

They have vetoed Scotland being able to remain in the EU while also remaining in the UK. The implications of which are actually the complete reverse of what you seem to have thought they were. Meaning this is even MORE motive for Scotland to leave the UK, because that's virtually the only way to remain (or rejoin) the EU.

"Under the Vienna Convention all migrants living in either Europe or the UK may continue in place."

...argue some lawyers. This isn't some clear cut case, they better hope they can argue this case...or perhaps they shouldn't because that would also mean the same is true of all those EU migrants in the UK they hate so much.

"It is unlikely that freedom of movement"

Because the British government is having to accept the idea being possible in the terms the EU is pressing on it? Almost as if it's reluctantly being considered, in spite of being a source of hate and anger for the Leave voters, and being considered in the first place due to how important and tied the UK is to the European economy.
A laundry list of things that makes you wonder what the point of all this even was.

"The migration issue today is caused by Commonwealth Migrants coming by family reunification and through exploiting the Indefinite Leave to Remain system to gain access for the first comer in any family. Due to the incompetence of the Labour government; family reunification for 3rd World Migrants will guarantee hundreds of thousands a year."

You should tell that to the people attacking and harassing Poles and Romanians. And the Leave campaigners using migration in their message constantly. It would be big news to them lol.