Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9499636:


Brexit to the right 3 7, 8:42am

"After reading the Quran and informing myself on Islam, I have to draw a simple conclusion: Islam, as a set of doctrines, is totalitarian, anti-humanist, violent and justifies abhorrent behavior. There is nothing of any moral value in the Quran."

Alright first off, your post sounds like a deliberately engineered bit of propaganda, what with the "I USED TO BE LIKE YOU BUT" thing. You sound like a badly written testimonial about how a new diet pill will change my life.
Second of all the "I HAVE READ THE QURAN" thing followed by "nothing of any moral value" is a pretty big red flag that you actually haven't read it. I mean come on lol. Right off the top of my head I can think of Zakat, which Half the shit is really super banal Abrahamic morality, with some old testament looking cray cray in there too yeah. Wow, what a typical religion!

"This is a book that Islam claims comes directly from God,"

That view is widespread in conservative Christianity as well. In fact you can use the scripture to directly support this, but that doesn't stop people from questioning that. Nothing unique to Islam here.
Nothing else you follow with is particularly unique in terms of harshness and heaviness either. You also miss on Islam having a mega long and confusing tradition of scholars and interpretation of stuff. Including really unorthodox things like Sufi mystics deliberately breaking rules as some trick to explore their faith. Islam is really decentralized.

"It's no wonder then that Islam's history is an almost unbroken series of offensive religious wars, starting with Muhammad himself (claimed to be the perfect man) and continuing for nearly 1400 years until the present."

As opposed to the peaceful history of other religions such as ______

"I hate Islam for very rational reasons, but I do not hate Muslims. Muslims are human beings, they vary a lot and most of them just want to live good lives, have friends and family and live in peace. I don't hate them... but I pity them, because they're repressed by a religion that is totalitarian in scope, that seeks to govern every aspect of their lives and that prevents the social development of societies that are governed by its rules."

Man if you think Islam is totalitarian I'd hate to hear what you think about Catholicism. Do you pity the Papists?

"and that prevents the social development of societies that are governed by its rules."

Gonna have to explain that golden age they had real early on then where lots of those things happened.