Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9352650:

Aimlessly 25 4, 4:58am

Finnish is an agglutinative tongue, like Estonian and its distant cousin Hungarian. As demonstrated here, you start with a root word and just tack on syllables until you get the effect you want. Hungarian, I assure you, is much harder to pronounce than Finnish; I could at least try here because I'm familiar with Germanic and Nordic pronunciations. In Hungarian, you get some killer words, such as legeslegtöredezettségmentesíthetetlenebbeskedéseitekért (because of your highest unfragmentationability factor) and Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért (for your [plural] continued behaviour as if you could not be desecrated). And these words are pronounced much differently than they look. The only language I can think of with more confusing phonetics are some Slavic languages and French.