Isn't it strange that any reform in the US that even slightly indicates a social reform towards more equality is instantly torpedoed by the republicans right wing.
And these 'extremists' use almost exactly the same words for the last 60 years for that purpose (ie that's communism/socialism, better dead than red, only a dead commie is a good commie, yada-yada-yada...)
And if a US president forces it through somehow the reps try to so thoroughly veto, maul, pulp, and grind it down in Congress that even the best laid plans are turned into an unrecognizable mass of a slushy goo that nothing of its original intentions are left and only the worst parts remain.
And then, only a few months after having torpedoed such a plan these same Reps then go out, single out one or two incidents where something is now a LOT worse than before, and snidely report through their privately owned news networks that 'Obamacare/whatever-other-plan-was-torpedoed made 'EVERYTHING' a lot worse. And then have the audacity to pin the failure of the new system on the originator of the plan.
Nice work. Great system.
How do you ever believe that people will come to trust each other if the head honchos demonstrate the exact opposite of trustworthyness?
BTW: it's not much better in Germany, but at least we got the chance of voting for other parties or even founding our own local parties, AND see them represented at least on a local community level.
Isn't it strange that any reform in the US that even slightly indicates a social reform towards more equality is instantly torpedoed by the republicans right wing.
And these 'extremists' use almost exactly the same words for the last 60 years for that purpose (ie that's communism/socialism, better dead than red, only a dead commie is a good commie, yada-yada-yada...)
And if a US president forces it through somehow the reps try to so thoroughly veto, maul, pulp, and grind it down in Congress that even the best laid plans are turned into an unrecognizable mass of a slushy goo that nothing of its original intentions are left and only the worst parts remain.
And then, only a few months after having torpedoed such a plan these same Reps then go out, single out one or two incidents where something is now a LOT worse than before, and snidely report through their privately owned news networks that 'Obamacare/whatever-other-plan-was-torpedoed made 'EVERYTHING' a lot worse. And then have the audacity to pin the failure of the new system on the originator of the plan.
Nice work. Great system.
How do you ever believe that people will come to trust each other if the head honchos demonstrate the exact opposite of trustworthyness?
BTW: it's not much better in Germany, but at least we got the chance of voting for other parties or even founding our own local parties, AND see them represented at least on a local community level.