Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9426158:

Flu Season 24 11, 2:33am

@TotalInsanity Well, i fear i might be a bit late to the party (and this is probably not very relevant either), but anyways; here in Brazil it is called "Islândia", which doesn't mean anything really; If we were to translate "Iceland" to Portuguese, it'd be "Terra do gelo", and an island is called a "ilha". But then again, we Brazilians like to give countries weird names sometimes, like "Inglaterra" for England and "Letônia" for Latvia. But the worst part is when we start to "portuguesify" names (is that even a word?): For instance, we call Niccolò Machiavelli "Nicolau Maquiavel", New York "Nova Iorque" and Warsaw "Varsóvia".