Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9432961:

A Big F You 11 12, 5:04am

If uralic was 'created' 4500 years ago at the Volga bend, then it happened only in the vicinity of IE.
If uralic 'evolved' 6000 years ago or 7000 years ago at the Volga bend, then it still happened only in the vicinity of IE. No other eurasiatic language group is close to uralic at its 'evolution'.

So if the IE indeed evolved in the steppes near the Black Sea and Kaspian Sea and the Ural mountains, then IE and uralic form one subgroup within the eurasiatic macrogroup.

The only possibility of a lack of the subgroup would be if IE evolved outside of south-eastern Europe.