Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
A Big F You

A Big F You

Denmark really did put Greenland through a lot of shit and fucked everything up like you wouldn't believe, and today Greenland has the highest number of suicides of any country (They weren't on the list for a long time because they were counted as part of Denmark).

The girl at the end is Sami (I know, I keep changing her design, but I think I'm finally happy with it) the indigenous people of Scandinavia. They were horribly treated by Sweden and Norway and, like Greenlanders, are still subjected to ridicule, so it's no wonder they didn't adopt the Scandinavian Cross either.

Norway Sami Denmark Sweden Greenland Aland Iceland Faroe Islands Finland
24th November 2015
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9 years ago #9427362        

> Denmark has been voted 'the happiest country' a couple of times.
> Greenland is the saddest country (suicides number says so).
> Greenland belongs to Denmark

> Conclusion: Danes are happiness vampires.

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9 years ago #9426810        

And so, the Sami/Greenland shipping begins.

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9 years ago #9427956        

Wrong skin colour of the Sami, yes many is dark hair but most are pale. My gran was pale as snow, dark haired and had deep blue eyes, my third cousin is pale and blond and brown eyed but it just that , we dont look like Mongolians, we are pale skinned.

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9 years ago #9427429        

Accualy, Humon is wrong on two accounts concerning the sami. Understandable, as there are no sami in Denmark, but I still find it importand to correct her.

First of all, they are no more indigenous then germanic scandinavians, and no less. The debate concerning who came first can go on for days, but all in all, we dont know for sure who came first when the inland ice melted away, and it dosent realy matter. Both have lived in the Nordics for about eight thousand years.
Secondly, the sami have been treated badly, but not for long. They were accualy a very favored population group untill the 1800:s (at least in Sweden. I dont know about the sami in Norway before that period). The conflict we see today is mostly about the sami herders and germanic wood farmers (reindeers eat crops when they pass through, wich pisses the farmers off, but ofcourse the herders must get though and they have the lawful right to lett their animals feed from the forest), not about what happend in the 1800:s. However, many sami have imported the american situation between natives and "white settlers", and tries to apply it to their own situation, despite the fact that it is incorrect in terms of nordic history.

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9 years ago #9426620        

Just want to point out that the norwegians, swedes and finish people are indigenous to the north of Scandinavia too, and that we have shared the space for millenias. As a majority we have not treated the Sami people any good, rather the oppositi, but it's not like we stole their land and drove them off or something.

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8 years ago #9680029        

Sami and Greenland giving finger guns to each other to the dismay of the colonizers is a beautiful thing

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9 years ago #9427816        

Sami <3 Could we have some more comics with her? :D


9 years ago #9426889        

But... but... but... Greenland kept our nice red/white design, so.. they can't hate us that much can they? :(
Plus, we're in the process of getting them a crap ton of the North Pole, so they can hopefully forgive us after that.

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9 years ago #9426778        

"indigenous people of Scandinavia" We are ALL the indigenous people of Scandinavia, Danes, Swedes. Norwegians, Finns, the Sami are just indigneous to the northernmost potion known as Lapland.

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9 years ago #9426574        

I ship Greenland and Sami now.

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