Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9498782:

Brexit to the right 1 7, 6:53am

This cartoon is ignorant;

Norway is part of Schengen and the Scandinavian Council. We are members of neither and have no wish to be like Norway. Under EFTA, 20% of EU rules apply to Norway - but it can veto any rule under EFTA pillar, so any rules applying to it are negotiated beforehand to avoid veto. This is much better than QMV in EU.

And the UK also has oil

Scotland did not vote to stay in the UK to be part of the EU. However, it did agree it was part of one nation. It can not, therefore, argue that it is a separate nation under this poll. For better, for worse - they agreed to be together. Spain and France have vetoed any separtist negotiations.

Under the Vienna Convention all migrants living in either Europe or the UK may continue in place. It would be a violation, moreover, of the ECHR and UN Charter to expel them. This is not our intention. To scaremonger on this basis is quite fascist and unacceptable.

It is unlikely that freedom of movement, or participation in the Erasmus scheme will be affected.

The biggest problem with this cartoon is how unfunny and alarming it is. There is no problem with being a democratic, free trade nation. The migration issue today is caused by Commonwealth Migrants coming by family reunification and through exploiting the Indefinite Leave to Remain system to gain access for the first comer in any family. Due to the incompetence of the Labour government; family reunification for 3rd World Migrants will guarantee hundreds of thousands a year. The only way to deal with this would be to cancel membership of the European Convention on Human Rights. This is not linked - directly - to the EU, the European Court of Human Rights is an unaffiliated body,

This cartoon was dull, alarmist and ignorant. I give it ZERO.