Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9499045:

Brexit to the right 2 7, 12:42am

@simval Have you read the Bible? I have. What do you know about Christianity, its beliefs and its history?

After reading the Bible and informing myself on Christianity, I have to draw a simple conclusion: Christianity, as a set of doctrines, is totalitarian, anti-humanist, violent and justifies abhorrent behavior. there is nothing of any moral value in the Bible. This is a book that Christianity claims comes directly from God, with no filter, and yet, the Bible commands slaves to obey their masters, (Ephesians 6: 5-8) allows men to rape women and force them into marriage afterward to appease her family and society (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). It says that women are inferior to men and commands they remain submissive and silent in places of worship (Timothy 2:12).

It is a book that spews hatred on non-believers almost every other page, reminding constantly that non-believers are hated and cursed to hell by God, which is what they deserve for not being Christian (Matthew 5: 29-30, John 3: 18-36, Revelations 21: 8, II Thessalonians 1:6-10, Mark 16:16 are just a few examples).

The Bible contradicts itself when speaking of believers joining in marriage with non-believers, (Corinthians 6: 14-17, Timothy 3:5, Titus 2:5, Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:33) and almost universally demands that wives submit to their husbands' will in all things.

The Bible demands that anyone who blasphemes the name of God should be killed (Leviticus 24:16), and that anyone who turns away from Christianity should be killed (Deuteronomy 13:7-12), that if you curse your parents you should be killed (Leviticus 20:9), that if you commit adultery you should be killed (Leviticus 20:10), that if you are gay you should be ki-do you see a fucking pattern?

It's no wonder that Christianity's history is an almost unbroken series of offensive religious wars, starting with Jesus himself, who claimed he came to turn families against one another (Matthew 10:35), and continuing for over 2,000 years until the present.

I hate Christianity for very rational reasons, but I do not hate Christians. Christians are human beings, they vary a lot and most of them just want to live good lives, have friends and family and live in peace. I don't hate them... but I pity them, because they're repressed by a religion that is totalitarian in scope, that seeks to govern every aspect of their lives and that prevents the social development of societies that are governed by it's rules.

If you think my judgment unfair, then inform yourself, and then debate me on the value of my arguments and my claims.