Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9499065:

Brexit to the right 2 7, 1:20am

[ Wealth is by far the strongest correlator with population growth. ]

Only perhaps during the industrial and post-industrial age. And even that is debatable.

[ Human populations do not expand geometrically except when *other factors* allow it. It's a well established fact. ]

And that is why we CANNOT allow such explosive subpopulations (such as syrians and africans) to expand into Europe. We have to be one such *other factor*, as we always have.

[ It's silly to treat humans like a bunch of yeast cells in a vial. ]

That is funny, because that is exactly the strategy that humanity has followed during all the time of civilisation. Civilisations are built on Ponzi schemes, at least until now.