Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9503812:


Be careful what you say 14 7, 3:51am

Yep, and if you see someone from the wrong group who looks similar to yourself in some small way or even totally...just crank up the ol' bullshit psudo-science machine and come up with "Oh they clearly have the right blood and maybe descend from ancient people of my group who left or something".
One of the aspects of the Nazi plans to annihilate the native populations of Poland and the USSR was to separate parts of the Slavs and Balts who "looked Aryan" and let them live as long as they became culturally German.
Of course, the more Polish people I see, the more the idea that they didn't fit the profile as super blonde blue eyed people is uh....dubious at best.
That's the other side of the game too. Even if there's a group of people who look almost exactly like you? But you historically hate them...or they're a lot poorer and so you are disgusted by them? Well you can always ignore the hell out of that and just pretend they're nothing like you and make up racist "science" to back yourself up.
Aside from Germans against Poles, I can easily think of English against the Irish.
Check this crap out.

This goes back to how I'm pretty sure a significant chunk of racism comes down to classist stuff, buried underneath. Not the only thing of course, but a big factor. The English high society shitheads who made things like that just couldn't abide by the Irish being related to them with their poorness and "backwardness", so they came up with magic bullshit to pretend otherwise. Same with Germans on Poles.