Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9583311:

Goodbye forever 20 1, 11:07pm

The UK made the right choice. Now, instead of being chained to a stagnant trading block that has asperations of federalising, we can trade and make deals with any country in the world. The EU would be cutting off their nose to spite their faces if they attempt to "punish" the UK for leaving. Not only would it hurt their own economies (especially the German auto industry), it would also show them to be vindictive, spiteful and jealous. Not exactly a thing that many will find to be inspiring. I imagine if the EU does try to punish the UK, it will only strengthen the growing and legitimate euroskepticism in the continent, and lead to further referendums and further triggering of article 50.

The future is bright for the UK, who's gonna join us in leaving?