Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Goodbye forever

Goodbye forever

When you burn bridges but keep their phone number.

(Also there is a new England book:

England Brexit Europe
19th January 2017
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8 years ago #9582893        

Scotland will try climbing over the wall soon. We love you EU!!

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8 years ago #9583209        

England wants to be its own country again, but makes it clear that it is not the enemy of the other nations on the continent and hopes for friendly relations. It would be extremely stupid if the EU tries to punish England as the UK can do find without it and it will be like throwing gasoline on the fire of nationalism.
For the people of France I hope for a Marine Le Pen victory, hopefully a Frexit will be enough to convince even our dull politicians that it is time for us to leave. A Kalmar 2.0 union would be better for us.

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8 years ago #9582920        

Poor Britain shot for 1st place for stupidest thing done in 2016, but was bested by America once again.

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8 years ago #9585324        

I've followed SATW for years, and enjoyed every minute....but if it becomes nothing but Brexit and Trump references for the next four years, then it'll be time for me to sadly cut ties.

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8 years ago #9583361        

Can I just add, please stop likening Brexit to Trump winning the election... they're not even close to the same thing. I supported Brexit, I voted leave... and I think Trump is a complete and utter 'tard that should be nowhere near any public office, never mind the presidency. You can't keep painting leave voters as racist, xenophobic morons. Brexit was not a right wing coup, nothing of the sort. I am generally left leaning, I support free healthcare and education like exists in Finland, I support many social policies, and I generally give a shit about people, regardless of their origin or skin colour. Brexit was not a left vs right issue.

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8 years ago #9590525        

Think of this as someone wanting to leave a country club while trying to keep all of the privileges it grants members.

8 years ago #9584647        

I feel like it should be Poland building that wall for Britain...

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8 years ago #9583034        

You're making it look like it'd be unreasonable for britain to expect friendly ties with EU countries after hard brexit, I dont see why really. It's rather silly.

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8 years ago #9587962        

Please send help. We're being held hostage by a mad woman.

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8 years ago #9587408        

So many saying "remember nearly half of us wanted to stay". I say that's not nearly enough. You'd need 75% at the very least, preferably 90.
Same thing here in Norway back in 1994, 52.2% voted against the EU and still the Yes-camp kept nagging. I'm sure if they had 50.1% for we'd be a part of this sick social experiment right now.
It's a matter of handing off sovereignty, which is a breach of our constitution. To change it needs 3/4 favor in parliament. Why should it be different for a vote of the people?
If you so dearly want to live in the EU then move there, don't go handing your country away on everyones behalf to the vultures in Brussels.

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