Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9619949:


Equality means no mercy 8 4, 5:52am

@FrognerBaby #9619759 Have you actually looked at the age indicator thingy of the person you were replying to? He's 14. He isn't an adult. So perhaps a bit harsh to blame him for not acting like one.

Also, in my experience, liberals are a lot more active in replying to opinions and arguments they disagree with than right-wing people - in fact some of them reply to each and every opinion they disagree with that they can find. I don't see the same behaviour among right-wing people, who aren't "triggered" as easily by seeing opinions they disagree with. Of course these overeager liberals engaging in arguments with everyone they disagree with are probably just the most vocal (and therefore most visible) 0.1%, but their presense tends to be so overwhelming that I'd say the person saying "liberals get triggered real easy" does kinda have a point.