Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9655926:

Gay Old Time 7 7, 5:41am

It takes a special kind of asshole to think a child should be left with an unbalanced gay couple that lacks either father or mother instead of waiting a tidbit longer to get into a balanced home to secure the mental health of the child in his new home. The ideal is to place a child in a two-parent home with a mother and father, medical mental health experts will agree to that, sociologists, socialists and people with useless bogus degrees on humanities or arts will not.

By thy own same logic U could say it takes a special kind of asshole to think a child is better left as a ward of state rather than be adopted by some random dude that doesn't have any bad marks stopping him from getting the kid, yet I don't think you would call someone an asshole for thinking singles shouldn't adopt.