Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9668343:


He knows what he likes 11 8, 1:47am

I was climbing up a mountain with a Norwegian, a Swede and a Russian today, which went well. Then we went down.

Me: "Dude, you're walking like there's a ROAD here! It's only loose pebbles, how are you not falling down all the time!"
Him: "I'm Norwegian. I've trained my balance."
Me: "Oh. Right."
*my feet slide away from below me, I land on my butt and I move on on my hands and feet with my butt almost touching the ground*
Swede: "What. Why are you moving like that!"
Me: "It's the most foolproof way to get down!"
Norwegian: "How high is the highest point of the Netherlands?"
Me: "About 300 metres above sea level. It's a huge attraction. And it's on a narror strip of The Netherlands sticking out into Belgium. Another part of the hill is just past the German border. It's the least Dutch part of the Netherlands."
Norwegian: *looks at the harbour* "You just climbed to just over 300 metres above sea level."

You can imagine we like putting big rocks in places for decoration too. But most of the big rocks have been dynamited to shambles for dike building (yes!) in the fifties and sixties, so they're a rarity now.