Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9682745:


Nordic Brothers 24 9, 11:47am

While Sweden and Denmark were repeating a war, it was examined how long Denmark was defeated.
As a result, after 1658, Denmark loses a battle 98 % in Sweden.
Moreover Denmark is challenging to most wars first.

Japan challenged the United States to a war by the fighting power of the American 0.1% before.

The character is very similar to Denmark and Japan.
Both are reckless and moreover they're stupid.

Denmark is a flat country.
When Sweden and Germany invade and come, he has no places where he hides.
The Danish kings weren't suitable for a war at all.
There were no natural resources in Denmark at all.

Russia became very strong suddenly then.

France and UK are international the time, a rule was being led.
But they were more partial to Sweden than Denmark in their safe purpose.
Because there was fighting power which stops a Russian European invasion in Sweden.

Almost no Danish territory insistence was admitted.
Gradually, he was being isolated from an international society.

Unfortunately the international rule isn't always fair.
That changes with convenience in the Great Powers in the time.

The justice doesn't exist there.
This is just similar even at present.

The time when Denmark was strong was only until the Middle Ages.