Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9683457:

Let Italian men live 26 9, 8:42pm

I'm of the opinion that men's rights is just as important a topic as women's right. I think most people are familiar with women's rights, but, sadly, just like the sisters in the comics, when you start talking about men's rights everyone assumes you're a misogynist pig. But there are some real issues of concern. Just a few examples (these are specific to the US):

Fathers almost never get custody of children even when they can show that the mother is a bad parent.
Women can beat their husbands/boyfriends, even in public, and no one does anything about it. And heaven help the man who presses domestic abuse charges. And female emotional/verbal abuse against men is depressingly common and even less likely to be addressed.
And speaking of abuse, how about access to abuse shelters? Women who are abused can call a number and they're whisked away to a safe house no questions asked. Men who are abused have to take it and get demonized for abandoning their wives and lose their children if they try to leave on their own.
For that matter, even self defense against a woman gets demonized.
How about the workplace? This may just be where I work, but I constantly have to hear about the perceived failings of men in the form of "only a man" or "men can't" comments. Similar comments targeted at women would not be tolerated, but it's apparently OK to trash talk men.
And then there's the portrayal of men in popular media as worthless, bumbling fools.

These are real problems, every bit as valid as women's rights issues. The douche bags who want to "shit on women" are the minority, the MRA equivalent to the femnazis who are causing many young women to refuse to identify as feminists these days. But somehow you can't even mention men's rights without everyone assuming you're one of them.