Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9683873:

Let Italian men live 28 9, 2:04am

@siskulous I think you're absolutely right. I wish the MRAs in the U.S. would focus on the legit stuff instead of "I feel marginalized," "women are taking away our freedoms," and all sorts of petty nonsense that makes them sound like entitled pricks.

I have three male friends (THREE!, and I'm not even a socialite) that have currently and have had abusive relationships, two with women and one with a man. Two escaped, one is still "held captive," to put it crudely, that he can get almost no help from. She knows his emotional triggers and threatens to kill herself if he considers leaving her, which he couldn't live with himself over. She hits him, breaks his fingers, etc., but if he defends himself--lays any hand on her-- she can call it abuse and he can get arrested. Police would laugh in his face. No shelter will take him. He has nowhere to go out of shame and out of a lack of understanding from others. I can't house him because I live in the tiniest condo in existence, and I feel horrible about it. He can't go into hiding and go elsewhere because he has no way to support himself and no one to help him financially. I am the only one he's confided in and it just breaks my heart.

THIS is what I want taken care of. No "there's no sexual discrepancy in the workplace" and all that crap. I want us to stop being so obsessed with men being "macho" so that they can get help when they need it.