Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9710490:


Two fools in a restaurant 15 12, 3:44pm

British Comedy:
Waiter: Your soup, Sir
Guest: Thank you
Waiter: Will there be anything else?
Guest: Not for now thank you
*Waiter begins to walk off
Guest: Oh, Waiter!
Waiter: Yes?
Guest: There appears to be a fly in my soup
Waiter: A what?
Guest: a fly, there’s a fly right there in my soup
Waiter: Ah yes, so there is
Guest: Well? Why is there a fly in my soup?
Waiter: I don’t know sir, maybe it got lost on it’s way to the cantaloupes
Guest: What? Oh never mind, just fix it!
Waiter: Oh, of cause sir, would you like me to get you another?
Guest: YES!
*Waiter takes the plate and heads back to the kitchen
*Waiter returns with soup
Waiter: Your soup, Sir
Guest: Thank you
Waiter: Will there be anything else?
Guest: Not for now thank you
*Waiter begins to walk off
Guest: Oh, Waiter!
Waiter: Yes?
Guest: There now appears to be TWO flies in my soup!
Waiter: Yes?
Guest: Well? Why are there two flies in my soup?
Waiter: Well you told me to get you another

American Comedy:
Honestly I don’t watch enough American comedy and I’m far too caffeine deprived to write anything but the joke would properly be that the fly was secretly a bomb the whole time or that an American would order soup in the first place