Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9714025:


Denmark the Artist 28 12, 11:26am

This is the song a singer from Fukushima made for damaged Fukushima after earthquake disaster and nuclear accident. v=M_U1WB7fq7o
"Fuku no uta"

Somedey, if you say that you'd like to live at this town, I'll happy.
I'll start action from me first... to make here home at your heart.

We were dispersive up to now.
But the time when we set feeling to one just came.
" Ganbappe! (Let's do our best together)"

I'll see the future in the sky in Fukushima more than the actuality which looked down.
Wouldn't you like to entrust hope to anything born from a smiling face?

Others are simple to blame for our tragedy.
But we'll blame ourselves for that.
And we'll stand up again.
When everyone has such feeling, a quarrel would disappear from the world.

Well, what will you begin from?
I'll begin from a smiling face.

I'll sing a song.
I'll sing a song of love to this town so that love may be sung for you.

There are people who proved that a person had no barriers which aren't got over.
Wouldn't you like to smile to have an ambition in the future only a little?

We'd like to make Fukushima the town where everyone can have a dream.
Fukushima's person should be able to do that.
Even if it's frustrated, we can stand up.

(It's excerpted.)


At the same time as this, a French newspaper was drawing an insensitive illustration.
The state by which many hands and feet grow from the form of Fukushima's people was drawn by the illustration.

…France is a country of freedom, equality and philanthropy!
So Franch have the right to despise a colored race and the right to discriminate!