Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9719509:

Return of the lovable dork 11 1, 9:11pm


Very few democratic countries ever completely ban any political parties since democracies basically want people to have the right to express their opinions.

Because people are allowed to believe in and promote even despicable and hateful ideas. It's usually only when these group crosses the line into actively promoting outright violence and they become breeding grounds for domestic terrorism they might end up being completely banned.

But even if they never end up being banned and their ideas are "only" racist, homophobic and generally despicable, decent people obviously often denounce them for those ideas.
And the leaders of democratic countries are expected to stand up for the democratic ideals those nations espouse, and should have no problem unequivocally denouncing a clearly evil ideology like Nazism.
But Trump does have a problem doing that - for some reason.

Regarding your own argument here it's completely illogical.

On one hand you don't want to see Trump criticized for not denouncing Nazi's cleary enough when he said there where "very fine people" marching with Nazi's in Charlottesville - on the other hand you want to shit on Obama and every other US president since the war, for not completely banning the same Nazi's completely.

Meaning that you're clearly not actually interested in combating Nazism here - you're only interested in defending Trump and trying to redirect the blame to anyone else.

Which again only gives the clear impression that people like you in the far-right don't really have a problem with Nazi's at all.