Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9743872:

Like in the olden days 15 3, 11:06am

I created an account tonight just to comment on this comic. This is to all you folk who are commenting that people coming to the US should adopt our language and our culture and our 'ways.'

I live in Minnesota, US. I am surrounded by communities that were settled back in the 1850's by Norwegian immigrants, Swedish immigrants, German immigrants, Irish immigrants, and probably a few other countries also represented here. Most of these communities have yearly celebrations of their ancestors' home countries. There are still families who speak another language when they visit grandparents because those grandparents never did completely become comfortable with English because their parents and grandparents still spoke their ancestral language more frequently than they did English. And yes, at the time these great-great grandparents (or so) came into the US, they stayed in their own communities. They were looked down upon by other white people, which certainly hindered their integration into the general society. Today, people flock to the museums and the celebrations.

No, people don't arrive in this country to be instantly integrated into some sort of social soupness of sameness. But we never have. It takes time and welcome from those of us already here. Generations, even.
