Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9773487:

Play date 16 6, 2:23pm

@Dilandu Trump got a ego rub and meeting a (unexpected to him) soulmate. Kim got security that the White House is in the hands of a meglaomanic, narcissistic clown who would love to be an autocrat but is too stupid to know it.

The good news is that since Trump is not a Lincoln, a Kennedy, a Luther King, a Ghandi or Jesuschist, he's not gonna be murdered before he reaches his full potential and nukes something. With any luck it won't be the whole world, but oh yes, I am 100% certian that Trump aspires to nuke something. And he'll strive to find a reason and do it.

And then the world will be over with the USA, will welcome our new Chinese overlords and call it a day. American empire started with a nuke and will end with a nuke. What a sad page in history it will be after all...