Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9779582:

Free Greenland 22 7, 6:08pm


Your argument is in large part built on the assumption that the US merely "reintroduced" alcohol and tobacco to Greenland, while the Danes where responsible for "introducing those social ills earlier".

Problem is, there is nothing in what @Tzenker wrote that indicates that at all.

So you've just straight up invented a version that lessens the US's responsibility for the problem.
Are you aware that you did this, so are you deliberately trying to mislead the reader with your post?

Or was this the effect of cognitive dissonance in your mind, where you subconsciously tried to lessen the US's responsibility by inventing an excuse that would lessen the mental conflict within you?

And please note this is not a personal attack - I'm simply asking because I'm truly interested in the answer as to why you did this and if you where aware that you misrepresented what @Tzenker wrote?

And I ask this not knowing anything about the details of the issue of alcohol in Greenland. But I can read, and see that what you wrote is misrepresenting @Tzenker original post.