Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9779872:

Free Greenland 24 7, 10:53am

When the Free Tibet movement was big I found it more annoying that there wasn't more concern being shown for maintaining Taiwan's independence. Tibet has been part of China for some 50 years now, while Taiwan has not been part of China for most of the last 125 years. While the plight of Tibet is pretty hopeless, Taiwan's independence is on pretty decent footing and the support of the international community actually makes a difference there to preserve that independence.
Recently China starting pressuring airlines and hotels to list Taiwan as part of China in their online software for making reservations. Quite a few airlines and hotel chains caved to China's pressure. It would have been nice to see some of those "Free Tibet" sister Americans out protesting and boycotting the cavers.