Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9805217:

Tea-Party Crasher 1 1, 1:38am

@Hinoron ooh, no, biscuits and cookies are different things. Biscuits and hard and crunchy, generally, while cookies are soft and gooey and usually bigger. The best biscuits are ones that can be dunked in a cup of tea, such as a ginger nut. You'd never be able to dunk a cookie, they don't have the structural integrity of a good biscuit. It'd fall apart. It's not polite to dunk biscuits, though, so at a posh tea party, dunking should be avoided, although at a proper posh tea party you'd get cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and some kind of cake or petit fours anyway.