Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9822714:


Gunslinger 30 9, 10:49pm

His opponents seem to be occupied with denigrating him on matters that have absolutely zero relevance to the running of a country.
If the worst people trying to ruin you can come up with, is a photo of you doing something stupid at a college party 20 years ago... you're probably a pretty decent leader of a nation.

Now... if you want to see someone with a whole top-notch research department go after J.T. PROPERLY (rather than just some random twat tweeting on twitter) and you have Netflix, I'd direct you to a great (and informative) show called "Patriot Act" In his most recent season, he spent a show digging through Canada's (and specifically Trudeau's) dirty laundry.
I'm not super-thrilled to see my nation in the targeting sights of course... but I respect the thoroughness of Hassan's reporting.