Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9826423:


God Hates Sweden 25 12, 8:57am

Oh yes, USA is SUPER religious! Let me throw some odd facts at you:

* The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the USA.
* 46% of American adults believe that the world is less than 10,000 years old.
* In 1998, 10,113 American women insured themselves against Virgin Birth, at the millennium.
* More than one in five Americans believes that the world will end in their lifetime.
* In 1859, a moral panic swept America over young people playing too much chess. (I'm going to include this one because the panic was mainly spread from church pulpits.)
* In 17th-century Virginia, missing three Sunday Masses in a row carried the death penalty.
* 45% of surveyed American adults doubt the safety of vaccinating their children against deadly diseases that are entirely preventable in the modern age (most common reason given for refusing to vaccinate their children is "religious reasons"... I must have missed that page of the Bible. >_> "Thou shalt not protect thine offspring from plague, nor the children of thine neighbors and friends, whom thine disease-ridden spawn shalt contaminate" Something like that?)