Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9826574:


God Hates Sweden 28 12, 12:19pm


Closest (and only) neighbor. Longest undefended border in the world (both in length and duration). Primary trade partners for both countries. Comparable origins, same language. 70% of our TV content is piped directly from them...
...and our news services are NOT owned and controlled by the same shady 1%ers with the same agendas who really want the public NOT to know about the same things. :D

Yeah. We know them very well. Possibly better than they know themselves in some respects. News footage that they're blocked from having broadcast on their networks is usually allowed to air on ours.
I remember back when it was Bush Jr. running his "War in Iraq", we estimated about 40% of all camera footage, reports and other information coming back from the Middle East was NOT being permitted to air on any US station (and since we have access to both their stations and our own in Canada, it's not that hard to compare.) Mostly what wasn't being shared to the US homefront was news stories about US soldiers not exactly acting like noble heroes over there, and anything that made the president out to be a liar.
(Example: US channel: Bush: "Every allied country is behind us 100%!" Canadian channel: "Protesters take to the streets by the thousands in protest of President Bush's actions...")

Humon's depiction of our relationship is actually pretty good. We're like siblings from the same family who have grown up and moved (a bit) away from each other. They the more reckless and crazy brother, and we the more straight-laced, admittedly boring brother. TODAY our sib is quite the important big-shot, but WE still remember the time Mom caught him jacking off with her pantyhose and her bra on his head. We listen to him go on about how great he is with lidded eyes and a raised eyebrow. We know things about him he's worked hard to forget!