Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9840411:

Happy Hour 21 8, 3:54am

Hmmmmmmmmmm, Sealand's mother. I've narrowed it down to a few candidates (though personally I don't feel any of them quite fit the bill)
1. Sister Germany, as Sealand claims that Germany recognizes them (they really don't)
2. Sister Netherlands, no reason other than geographic proximity to Sealand
3. Sister Belgium, no reason other than geographic proximity to Sealand
4. France, due to geographic proximity to Sealand and her *ahem* complex relationship with England
5. Sister Sweden, because one time a Swedish company tried to buy Sealand (and later failed) and because England has, uh, you know what he does while he's out "watching birds"