Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9846655:


White Slave 20 10, 12:03pm

@Violetta #9826608
I hope someday that the Americans will demand a change to that system. Being a 'criminal' means you've made some really bad life choices, for which you should pay,

You are making a VERY generous assumption that the police and judicial system that puts people INTO the prison are less corrupt and serving their own interests than the prison itself. Many people sent to jail have not done anything wrong, but been in the wrong place & time, and especially with the wrong skin colour. There've been many cases where police have thrown someone in jail rather than leave them free to report their own wrongdoings. Thankfully, living in a new age where everyone and their 12 year old child is carrying a smartphone with a video camera in their pocket, corrupt Police are getting caught in the act more than any other era in history.

But, back on the subject, I have a few videos for you explaining how private prisons work in the USA (presented in an entertaining manner... kind of unavoidably dark humor, admittedly.)

1 The Shocking Way Private Prisons Make Money
2 Why Prison Education is Largely a Myth
3 Why Solitary Confinement Needs to Be Banned

And in case you were wondering who tries to keep those innocent non-criminals out of jail... and why they aren't succeeding very well...
4 Why the Public Defender System is So Screwed Up