Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9858801:


Trans Fear 4 6, 8:56pm

@RusA #9858794
oh...did u mean that "EricTrump", right? Not Eric "merah dan putih"

Yes, sorry, I meant Eric Trump. I did a write-up of this idea as a Not Fake News story, ~9858797 A joke in this one that nobody's going to get, is that the document posted there is an actual "pact with Satan", presented as evidence in the trial of a French priest named Urbain Grandier who was executed for witchcraft in 1635. This picture is well-known to those of us who like to read about such things, and all I did was change the signature at the bottom from Urbain Grandier to Donald Trump. :atroll:

If Trump comes out of hiding and starts winning again, we'll know that he managed to get Satan to renew the contract. image