Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9864912:


Black Pete 5 12, 12:24pm

This like giving the unconscious mind that black person is just a kidnapper or criminal to a young kid, and when they grew up... they can call 911, after saw black person did nothing bad at all...
"If u ain't white, u ain't right"
As a former Dutch colony, we also have this christmas "black Pete" tradition, that's why we still see our native peoples in the eastern part who have more darker skin as a criminal, and they did a bloody protest in 2019 before the "BLM".

I mean....yeah...everyone are racist, but "white caucasian's word" still have most powerful effect from colonial times till today, and white Christian mostly have more negative words like....
# Jews the Alien,
# Islamic the terrorist (after 9/11 instead of saying "Al-qaeda the terrorist" they more using "Islamic terrorist" You know...'If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth')
# Others are Heathen,
# Black the murder or mostly criminal,
# Asian the Virus,
# Hispanic or mostly Mexican the Rapist.

It just a little jokes for white peoples, but that "joke" always have the strongest effect to the world.
I mean...the churches today...white church...Asian church...are still exist. It's already 2021, right?
That's why as a non-white, i'm more afraid with "white christian" :p