Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9874633:

Everything is relative 29 7, 12:39am

@AmericanButterfly But, that's not an excuse at all. Yes, everyone has issues, that doesn't mean that some aren't a lot worse than others or that they shouldn't be addressed. Everyone having issues doesn't mean countries are equal.
I used to live in the USA. I now live in a Northern European country and it's a ton better on many accounts. It has issues, but that's the nature of existing. A countries job is to try to minimize the inherent unfairness of existence and in my opinion the USA is failing hard on that measure. Especially when people say something like "Be thankful we aren't a place in the Middle East or Africa" Those aren't hard bars to surpass.

That said, there are also just a ton of cultural differences that make a lot of the overall difference which aren't as transferable. But that's it's own conversation to talk about what cultural aspects negatively work against the American populace.