Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Everything is relative

Everything is relative

Norwegian hospitals are free though. I was just surprised the first time I learned Norwegians pay at all to visit the doctor because I assumed we had the same system.

America Norway Denmark
3rd December 2021
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3 years ago #9865814        

I would dare say that most of the American people, or at the very least a good portion of us, would love the healthcare system to work a bit better and like some of the other countries have it. It would sure solve a lot of problems.

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3 years ago #9864911        

Anyone who claims the US system is good is either ignorant or lying. It has been demonstrated over and over that a single-payer, universal system will lower costs for every American and give us better outcomes. We have to resources to make a switch, we lack the balls.

But what can you expect from the U.S.A.? After all we have to to maintain our number 1 shithole country status.

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3 years ago #9865222        

In Germany, a while back, we had this weird glitch in the political decision-makers where they thought that, instead of slightly raising healthcare fees, people should pay a little (10€) money when they go to the doctor. Not for each visit, though, or each doctor, just the first time in a quarter you go to the (any) doctor. The main results were:
- administration cost ate up most of the additional income
- people for whom money was tight and who didn't see doctors much anyway were discouraged from seeing a doctor even if it would have been good if they did
- people who went to see doctors all the time continued to do so anyway (both the vast majority with real issues and the kind of sort of targeted very small minority with frivolous complaints)
- people with private insurance (which is a thing here, too, as kind of a parallel system for rich people, self-employed people and a certain class of civil servants, kind of breaking the system for everyone) shrugged at the whole thing
- fees did rise anyway
- it was discontinued after a few years once politicians realized that demographics won't change to fit financial dogma

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3 years ago #9864846        

Donald Trump: We in USA has the best hospital care!
The rest of the world: But only rich people in USA gets good hospital care! Everybody, poor or rich, African or European, a kid or an old man or woman, you gotta get god hospital care.

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3 years ago #9864845        

I must admit I literally LOL when I got to the 3rd panel. Its such a tragedy that that country is handicapped by a system that seems designed to make money for insurance and medical groups rather than give treatment to patients. :(

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3 years ago #9865059        

I am an American, and I am on Medicaid. So far, I have paid only dental bills in the last 3 years. I also live in a blue state that expanded Medicaid under the ACA. (Obamacare, for the non-Americans.) All hospital, ambulance, and even surgical bills were paid 100%.

I got very lucky to choose a Medicaid plan designed for diabetics, the year before I was diagnosed. However, if I leave the state for more than 30 consecutive days, or start making a living wage, I will no longer be eligible.

I wish, at the very least, that Medicaid covered everyone in the US, but there's such a stigma. I've had an urgent care center literally turn me away when they saw my Medicaid card. Some people have sneered at me for "taking advantage of the system" when I was at the hospital because I'd collapsed at school.

It is f'd up, but that won't change until the politicians do.

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3 years ago #9865763        

Last year when I had to get hospitalised, I cried, because I was so thankful for everybody who pay taxes and giving me opportunity to get well again without thinking of any bill. I wished every country could experience that

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3 years ago #9865686        

My healthcare plan is "don't get sick, and if you do, you have whiskey. If it worked in the 1800s it'll work now".

I wish I was kidding.

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3 years ago #9870011        

Oh woah, if 160 kroner is around 21€, then Norway's doctors are even cheaper than France, where it's 25€ (that you get back as soon as you send the bill).
Heck, my healthcare even prevents me from paying at all. Sure gotta love Europe.


3 years ago #9865469        

[cries in American]

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