Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9874636:

Everything is relative 29 7, 4:09am

@Sinvanor I can't even find the comment you are replying to and I don't remember saying anything about Africa or the middle east all I remember saying we aren't only country that doesn't have universal healthcare

People misjudged what I was trying to say I was not trying to say US healthcare is perfect or we don't need universal healthcare I do believe the US needs universal healthcare and better money equality etc why should other countries care what type healthcare system the US has why not care about the other countries that don't have universal healthcare too? The US is only single out cause easy to criticize and first world nation.

I just find hypocritical people will be like "The US needs universal healthcare" yet don't seem care that other countries don't have it just because of their geography location

Here what I think the whole world needs universal healthcare