Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9883539:


When you hate your friend’s new friend 8 11, 2:21pm

@LilithRose so on the things like election interference, the in last few weeks especially I'd noticed a massive increase in pro-trump comments and dis-information in comment sections of a lot of the youtubers that I watch and such. A lot of these channels are very openly left, as are their fanbases, and while they'll occasionally get troll comments, the comment sections tend to be friendly and somewhat wholesome at times. The videos I'd noticed the comments being inundated with the pro-trump stuff were all content to do with their thoughts on the US election and trump. It's almost like there are bots set to scan for content mention trump in a negative way and signal to chatbots and trolls to come do their thing.

Now, look back across this comment section at how man comments have a down-vote and what they're about. Most comments for these comics don't even get an up-vote, let alone a down-vote... but going back to look at older comics that also mention trump, there's always at least one person there making desparaging remarks in his favour.