Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
When you hate your friend’s new friend

When you hate your friend’s new friend

Sorry about uploading so sporadically but I have a lot going on right now with a new job AND an upcoming operation woop woop and quite frankly I’m in too much physical discomfort to deal with your antics America.

Europe Russia America
8th November 2024
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5 months ago #9883508        

Trump isn't a new friend he's more of an abusive ex who gaslighting you into taking him back

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5 months ago #9883578        

Dear the rest of the world,

As a representative of Sister America, I would like to apologize for the racism, sexism, outright cruelty, and ignorance of over seventy-four million of my neighbors. I would like to apologize for the lethargy of more than twenty-eight million of my neighbors who were eligible to vote and didn't. The rest of us care about issues such as human rights and the environment more than our own personal, selfish interests. We've been on this merry-go-round before- but until it directly impacts their lives in a tangible, personal fashion, people don't learn.

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5 months ago #9883517        

Some of us are going to be apologizing for our country for the next four years. It hurts my soul to see more than half my country so deluded as to put him in office again.

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5 months ago #9883510        

From the saner part of the US, I'm sorry this is coming to pass. We thought we were better than this. We are not all like that fucking guy and his cronies. Gods save us from the mistake we've become.

5 months ago #9883534        

Trump never should have been on the ballot in the first place after January 6 and taking documents to Maralgo and other thousands of reasons also felonies but no he was allowed to run and he won, and way fewer people voted, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if half if not most of the mail-in votes weren't even counted because people are suspicious, I guess people rather deal with trump again than try someone new who would actually make a decent president but because the richest man in the world is trump fan she lost,

4 months ago #9883807        

I'm not looking forward to the next four years of Trump obsession. Every TV show, every twitter feed, every reddit post: Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrumpTrump. Last time I had to stop reading a lot of my favorite webcomics because they just became nothing but Trump obsession.
I didn't vote for him, never did, so I'm allowed to be annoyed at other peoples obsession with the annoying orange incarnate.

5 months ago #9883503        

I never wanted to renounce my citizenship before this week...

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29 days ago #9886160        


4 months ago #9883654        

That's fair. I can't deal with our antics, either.

4 months ago #9883630        

Did y'all see what happened in Amsterdam the other day? Yeah, a lot of us over here were voting against that...

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