Still not over the American woman who was super surprised to see so many men walking around with strollers and generally looking after their children alone during her travels through the Nordic countries.
So many things happening in the first pannel ^^
"Oh look, they're so feisty already! Proud future Vikings I'd say."
"Of course they are! They're our sons after all."
"Here, take this, you might need it, one never know with your neightbours..."
"Finland, my kid does not need a knife to protect himself, that's my job!"
Is baby Finland's stroller decorated with birch-bouquet and sauna stones? Oo
Of course Sweden would chose his funny horses.
I'm not even going to comment on Denmark idea of styled stroller.
I love Norway's dedication to his favourite food.
@Nope-pala Finland giving Sweden's Baby a knife I take a a reference to Sweden and Finland dating each other's Sisters implying he is giving his nephew a toy knife.
I'm really loving everything going on in the first not-panel: Denmark and Norway happily chatting while their kids have a feet fight, and Finland going 'Baby Sweden where's your knife? Here, you can have my extra.' and Sweden not being amused by Finland handing a knife to his kid. XD
But yes, poor America; she's being a solo mom regardless whether she wants to or not. I guess that's why American women with kids, who divorce their husbands end up having less to do than while married; they were already solo moms, they just didn't realize.
@NaCltyGrl And along with that there's such hysteria about "stranger danger" that guys with young daughters who take care of them solo in public often get cops called on them in the US. Because people just assume they've kidnapped her. (It can happen with sons as well, but much more often with daughters.) That's seriously messed up thinking as well.
@Manabi Yeah, another reason why I am happy to live in Denmark because it isn't a thing. There is still a stigma towards male daycare workers but not as bad as other places in the world
There's just something... creepily heartwarming about Finland offering a tiny knife to Baby Sweden.
It's like... Finnish men love babies, obviously (fudge those who don't -ed.), but just show it in a... hmmm, unusual fashion.
-Here, honey, it's all yours.
-Goddammit, Finland, don't offer my kid a knife.
-Hey, don't curse in front of the kids. Anyway, it's just payback for you fu... ssing my sister.
-Well, you... fussed my sister.
-PER!!!!... sephone. Persephone, the goddess. True, that.
@restpochard Partially that, and partially because in the Nordic countries there was a HUGE campaign in the 1970s to spread the popularity of men actually being involved with their own kids.
I'm thinking about the park by where I live, and mostly it's women or very rarely couples with strollers- and if a couple, the woman is always pushing it. Sometimes you see a dad walking with his kid holding his hand or dad and kid on bikes, but I think I do see women with the kid far more often. If I see a man at the park, it's almost always with a dog and by himself.
@FluffyRose Not a time I've learnt at school or seen in my readings before. That's a pretty weird (and confusing) way to put it. "are verb-ing" is more common.
"Oh look, they're so feisty already! Proud future Vikings I'd say."
"Of course they are! They're our sons after all."
"Here, take this, you might need it, one never know with your neightbours..."
"Finland, my kid does not need a knife to protect himself, that's my job!"
Is baby Finland's stroller decorated with birch-bouquet and sauna stones? Oo
Of course Sweden would chose his funny horses.
I'm not even going to comment on Denmark idea of styled stroller.
I love Norway's dedication to his favourite food.