Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The implication of that

The implication of that

Still not over the American woman who was super surprised to see so many men walking around with strollers and generally looking after their children alone during her travels through the Nordic countries.

America Norway Sweden Finland Denmark
20th September 2024
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12 hours ago #9882791        

There's just something... creepily heartwarming about Finland offering a tiny knife to Baby Sweden.
It's like... Finnish men love babies, obviously (fudge those who don't -ed.), but just show it in a... hmmm, unusual fashion.

-Here, honey, it's all yours.
-Goddammit, Finland, don't offer my kid a knife.
-Hey, don't curse in front of the kids. Anyway, it's just payback for you fu... ssing my sister.
-Well, you... fussed my sister.
-PER!!!!... sephone. Persephone, the goddess. True, that.

14 hours ago #9882789        

I'm surprised that baby-Finland wasn't given a safety-knife. Normally Finland would be smart enough to know that babies shouldn't play with carving knives until they are at least 30 months old.

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3 minutes ago #9882799        

So many things happening in the first pannel ^^
"Oh look, they're so feisty already! Proud future Vikings I'd say."
"Of course they are! They're our sons after all."
"Here, take this, you might need it, one never know with your neightbours..."
"Finland, my kid does not need a knife to protect himself, that's my job!"

Is baby Finland's stroller decorated with birch-bouquet and sauna stones? Oo
Of course Sweden would chose his funny horses.
I'm not even going to comment on Denmark idea of styled stroller.
I love Norway's dedication to his favourite food.

5 hours ago #9882797        

Yeah, watch the Taylor Swift video "The Man", and you'll get it: @1:51

Sorry boys, it is exactly like this in the US in many cases. In the US it's women's work taking care of kids.

- just another childless catlady

7 hours ago #9882795        

Such a cute comic! I have a theory that those babies are how the Brother Nordics looked like when they're young.

10 hours ago #9882794        

I love how their babies are just miniature versions of themselves lol

American men do take care of their children it's just in American society people see them more as "Help" versus equal partners in raising children, Moms are seen as responsible parents, and dads are seen as fun parents, instead of being equally balanced and it seems like women are more respected to take care of the babies while men work

it's not true for all of the US it's just a stereotype

10 hours ago #9882793        

I'm positively surprised that baby Denmark doesn't have a bottle
But then again, baby Norway doesn't have a fish, so

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11 hours ago #9882792        

I fear for baby Finland.

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