Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The end of the end of the history

Fan Art

The end of the end of the history

Yep, the era of "end of the history" conception obviously ended. And we have to deal with it.

By: Dilandu 30th May 2018

Community made Fact Cards:

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Several countries have in the past banned ruling queens, but lacked any requirement that the king be male. This led to King Anna of Poland, and King Mary of Hungary.

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Icelandic place names may sound exotic, but they're usually not very creative. Example: The most powerful waterfall in Europe, Dettifoss, just means "falling falls"


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7 years ago #9792665        

"Russia is paranoid again"? I never noticed they'd stopped.

7 years ago #9788198        

Wow, this the smartest and saddest thing Sister America has ever said.

6 years ago #9798974        

This isn't the end, but the beginning. Remember: during WWI, many thought the same - they saw the other-wordly level of destruction and death and thought "We can't possibly come back from this." Yet, here we are. The scars are still there, but our ancestors found a way to move on. I think things will be tough for a while, but ultimately we'll find the way forward again.

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6 years ago #9812464        

I would say that the golden age, for all the fears of an emperor [Soviet style] in Russia or China doing something very stupid, really started in ~1950, for the west at least. Then you saw the development of parts of E Asia especially but also other sections of the world. The stupid idea of the "end of history" after the collapse of the Soviet empire and with China looking like it might liberalise was always a delusion - as there are always going to be competition and conflict.

To me the rot really started in ~1979-80 with the rise of hard right [by the standards of the time] governments in Britain and the US and with the Iranian revolution being high-jacked by reactionary Islam and the following Sunni reaction. But then that's when my young dreams of progress and success for Britain started to fade so possibly that's a point which occurs for many people when they reach that age?

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6 years ago #9803341        

I think we all deluded ourselves over thinking the Cold War was over...

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2 years ago #9878507        

Now you'll pay for your disrespect and interfering in our inner business. Want say smth!!? – remember first you hypocrisy in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libia, Afghanistan, Siria...and covid (say "thank you" to our Emperror :-) – cause he cured world from covid in one day in 24-th February 2022) times also, when there were only three freest country - Sweden, Belorussia and Russia. But in Europe, in a lot of places people were put under house arrest without cort, masks on the streets and e.t.c. and we saw who is the real fascist and tyrant to people.
Now you wanе more – I hope you are happy that all your cities and industry now are the targets for hydrogen missiles. And don't even hope on half working patriot system, that even can't intercept rockets from the 60-s. And if (I hope not – but it depends on how much mind remained in your head) nuclear war started – in Russia we have a lot of places to go on, our cities are quite far away from each other – so we can easily switch place, but you in Europe, where you live as on railroad station on traffic – there will nowhere to go. Sleep well and wait for very bright night, when your wooden houses will be blown away in 10 seconds after artificial russian suns will bright at the middle of the night. Good day.

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10 months ago #9882000        

Good comic, Dilandu.

Fwiw, wars are cyclical, generational, recreated by people who need bloodshed as an outlet after they've long forgotten how devastating it is.

Hopefully there will be more people like Stanislov Petrov and Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, and less opportunists like Putin.

6 years ago #9815077        

Another bit of global warming !

6 years ago #9815019        

How does sister America's boobs keep switching which one has the blue and stars? Lol

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6 years ago #9811262        



Sadly, Russia was always xenophobic. I think it's one of their most successful cultural exports.

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