I wanted to make SatW ocs base on the 4 regions in the US, more or less how I imaging them being, I did not make Brother or Sister America a region as they're supposed to be the whole US...
anyway I made the South, The North, The Midwest and West
btw I like to imagine them all being slightly bilingual just that North knows the most cause he deals with the most international countries and foreigners
I based it on this https://img.favpng.com/19/8/20/united-states-of-america-united-states-census-bureau-region-geography-map-png-favpng-nUZmi2VMry89mA8hG6z2fqcPP.jpg
The thistle is the emblem of Scotland as a barefoot viking raider cried out in pain as he stood on one, alerting the Scottish army encampment that the Norse army were sneaking up on.
The states they belong to or states that belong to them
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,
and West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas
both: Deleware and Maryland
Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington
@AmericanButterfly Maryland, DC and Delaware aren't really like the rest of the South in my experience. They're kind of like the North but with better weather and the manic parts are dialed back a bit (except maybe in DC)
Something you forgot about the Midwest is that, while we are usually very nice, if someone up here goes psycho we go full tilt. *Cough, Jeffery Dahmer, Ed Gein and H. H. Holmes *Cough. Think real life Fargo
@AinoKyllikki thank you, fun fact I gave her an earflap hat to represent the Nordic population in the Midwest and the fact the midwest gets f*cking cold in the winter
Hello, Midwest! Someone didn't forget us! I mean, no one can now, because of those shitty tornadoes that wiped a few towns off the map, but most of the time we're forgotten indeed!
the US regions human names
(Brother and Sister America's human names are George "Georgie" Jr. and Amanda Smith)
North East's human name is Sebastion Reijnders Robinson
I got the last name from here #9511038 since North East used to be New Netherland's and Netherland's son
(well not in a canon since he an oc but in my headcanon) changed his last name to Robinson so he fit in with British colonists but kept his original last name as a middle name
Fun fact English is not Northeast's first language it's actually Dutch. As a reference to New Netherlands which Northeast originally was before becoming a "British Colony" and expanding to Northeast states
Also I'm calling him Northeast instead of just North to not get confused with canon character called "North" plus the region he represent is usually called "Northeast"
@AmericanButterfly I heard that New York was meant to be New Amsterdam, no? Trying to remember a bit of my history lessons, lol. I wonder how America'd be if the Dutch colonies stayed Dutch instead of becoming British at the time.
@ylc0304 Yes, Northeast used to be New Netherlands or the "Middle Colonies", which New Amsterdam was the capital of until England took over and change New Amsterdam to New York and abosrbe New Netherlands into the British colonies, though Northeast represents the whole Northeast region of the US, I like to imagine he grew into it
I also made him Netherland's son cause I like the idea of laid back goofy Netherlands having a hard working serious son, like how England is more serious while America is more goofy
also Northeast first language is actually Dutch not English
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,
and West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas
both: Deleware and Maryland
Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming
Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington