This is an ongoing project to add all the characters to a map of Europe following suggests from patrons.
We'll be adding more characters suggested by patrons soon.
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You can download a high res version of the map at Patreon too.
This has been here for what, a year and a half now? And it still has only two measly countries? Talk about high hopes and a flop... (not unlike a unskilled high-diver)
England: With a cup of tea in splendid isolation.
Scotland: Snarling at England
Ireland and Northern Ireland: Fighting each other
Wales: Staring dreamily at a picture of New Zealand
So... Lets just put down 'The Universe' instead of naming everyone. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if aliens invaded and only Afghanistan survived. It is like sieging Malta: You are never going to succeed unless you have everything going for you, and then you will lose anyways.
Please... Everyone already knew you do not invade Switzerland. It was sorta 'Rule 1' in the 'Book of Places you do not invade', right next to Rome and Sparta.