Sorry about uploading so sporadically but I have a lot going on right now with a new job AND an upcoming operation woop woop and quite frankly I’m in too much physical discomfort to deal with your antics America.
Almost everyone I know (and I know a looot of people, moved around a lot) voted against him. It seems like a 20:1 ratio of people who voted against him vs for him.
Yet, somehow, he "won", and I know the Russians were pouring nearly everything they had into election interference... and that was just kind of ignored?
@LilithRose i'm from a red state, South Dakota so i knew the 3 electoral collage votes were going to him but I still voted for Kamala Harris, along with 34.2% of the SD population
also 1.7% South Dakotan voted for Robert Kennedy like dudes he dropped out
@LilithRose so on the things like election interference, the in last few weeks especially I'd noticed a massive increase in pro-trump comments and dis-information in comment sections of a lot of the youtubers that I watch and such. A lot of these channels are very openly left, as are their fanbases, and while they'll occasionally get troll comments, the comment sections tend to be friendly and somewhat wholesome at times. The videos I'd noticed the comments being inundated with the pro-trump stuff were all content to do with their thoughts on the US election and trump. It's almost like there are bots set to scan for content mention trump in a negative way and signal to chatbots and trolls to come do their thing.
Now, look back across this comment section at how man comments have a down-vote and what they're about. Most comments for these comics don't even get an up-vote, let alone a down-vote... but going back to look at older comics that also mention trump, there's always at least one person there making desparaging remarks in his favour.
As a representative of Sister America, I would like to apologize for the racism, sexism, outright cruelty, and ignorance of over seventy-four million of my neighbors. I would like to apologize for the lethargy of more than twenty-eight million of my neighbors who were eligible to vote and didn't. The rest of us care about issues such as human rights and the environment more than our own personal, selfish interests. We've been on this merry-go-round before- but until it directly impacts their lives in a tangible, personal fashion, people don't learn.
Dear sister representative of America. Don't take it all upon yourself. Bad things happens all over. Your kind words and intentions are clear. Maybe sometime in the distant future most of us can agree to do something better of all the things we collectively fucked up all over the world.
From the saner part of the US, I'm sorry this is coming to pass. We thought we were better than this. We are not all like that fucking guy and his cronies. Gods save us from the mistake we've become.
Some of us are going to be apologizing for our country for the next four years. It hurts my soul to see more than half my country so deluded as to put him in office again.
@StormyWeather, clever phrasing. While no more than about 30% (roughly) of eligible voters actually voted for Trump, almost 40% chose to not vote at all.
Trump never should have been on the ballot in the first place after January 6 and taking documents to Maralgo and other thousands of reasons also felonies but no he was allowed to run and he won, and way fewer people voted, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if half if not most of the mail-in votes weren't even counted because people are suspicious, I guess people rather deal with trump again than try someone new who would actually make a decent president but because the richest man in the world is trump fan she lost,
I'm not looking forward to the next four years of Trump obsession. Every TV show, every twitter feed, every reddit post: Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrumpTrump. Last time I had to stop reading a lot of my favorite webcomics because they just became nothing but Trump obsession.
I didn't vote for him, never did, so I'm allowed to be annoyed at other peoples obsession with the annoying orange incarnate.
... wait, you mean, *unconditionally*? As in, no requirement to have or acquire the citizenship of another nation (beforehand, or in a quid-pro-quo exchange)? Oh well, yet another area where the U.S. choose to ignore international practices, I suppose ...
@CorruptUser Voting against what exactly?
Israeli supporters tearing down palestinian flags and breaking shop windows or "free-palestine" supporters trying to assault Israelian foot supporters?
Or trying to not import their conflict on European soil?
(Both are equally wrong in my mind _ I chose no side)